Weltweit – Gesellschaft zur Förderung lokaler Initiativen e. V. Weltweit e. V.

Andrea is a Forestry Engineer from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Peru) and holds a Master’s degree in Tropical Forestry from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany. Andrea is a specialist in land use planning, sustainable landscape development, and implementing climate actions to achieve sustainable development goals.

Andrea is an expert in forestry carbon and payment for environmental services projects, with experience in international carbon markets and projects under different standards such as VCS, CCBS, and Gold Standard. Her experience includes the implementation of REDD+ and AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) projects, the evaluation of carbon methodologies, the coordination of carbon projects, and the development of Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) mechanisms.

Due to her previous work and social approach, she has developed local consultations and engagement for different carbon projects. Likewise, she has developed the analysis of agents and drivers of deforestation to determine the baseline of the projects and, therefore, design the project activities.