Weltweit – Gesellschaft zur Förderung lokaler Initiativen e. V. Weltweit e. V.
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Embracing the great outdoors: sacha’s innovative mission to reconnect children with nature

In the heart of urban sprawl, a beacon of hope emerges: Sacha. This pioneering project is a clarion call to our youngest citizens, inviting them to step out of the digital shadows and into the sunlight. Through Sacha's outdoor education activities, children are not just observers but active participants in nature's grand tapestry. They learn the language of the forests, the wisdom of sustainable farming, and the art of environmental stewardship. Sacha is more than a program—it's a movement, cultivating the seeds of eco-consciousness in the fertile minds of our future guardians of the planet.

Release of project visit report, Borneo

In January this year we visited the Seedhouse Project in Borneo. We have tried to compile all the relevant information of this monitoring and training visit in one document and thereby exploring the best format we can make a standard for our project visits in the future. We are searching for a format that meets our objective to be transparent, informative, educative and fun all at once and could be used to release the information to all stakeholders in one single document. Travel Report_Borneo 2023 for website mit Fotos Herunterladen 

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