Weltweit – Gesellschaft zur Förderung lokaler Initiativen e. V. Weltweit e. V.
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Upcoming GIS and Social Entrepreneurship Workshops

Together with our Partnerorganisation BluoVerda e.V. we are organizing a digital workshop on open source GIS software (QGIS and OpenForis) starting on the 24. of June. From 8th to 11th of September we are taking part in the workshop organization about Social Entrepreneurship. It is planned to be held physically in Duisburg. The host and main organizer is the Life Learning Development e.V.

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“Who owns the water?” Studium Generale Modul at the Frankfurt University of Applied Science

In the winter semester 2019/20, together with Prof. Christian Hähnlein and Fabian Riemenschneider, we offered a module for the Studium Generale at the Frankfurt University of Applied Science, in which we discussed and worked on the water project in Tanzania. The students got an insight into the living situation of the rural population of Tanzania and an understanding of the complexity of the development project work.

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