Weltweit – Gesellschaft zur Förderung lokaler Initiativen e. V. Weltweit e. V.


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My Corona free School – Lima, Peru

Mainly kids with autism and some with down syndrom go to Cerrito Azul.

Devolping a hygiene concept for Cerrito Azul – a school for disabled children in Lima

communal seedhouse, Borneo

The biodiversity in the rainforest of Manuhing Raya is shown by the diversity of fruit varieties still present.

The establishment of community seed banks in Manuhing Raya will enable the Dayaks living in and from the forest to continue their traditional agriculture. These strengthened communities provide protection against the further spread of industrial palm oil plantations and ultimately guarantee the preservation of the biodiversity of the rainforest in Borneo.

Medicine Gardens Zanzibar

First Nutrition & Medicine Garden design trials using the Keyhole Garden Principle

Nutrition and Medicine Gardens – Erhöhter Zugang und Eigenproduktion von gesunder Ernährung und natürlicher Medizin für Schwangere, Mütter und Kinder