Weltweit – Gesellschaft zur Förderung lokaler Initiativen e. V. Weltweit e. V.


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Integration of local farm production with school fed program


This project aims to enhance the nutritional quality of mid-day meals for students by replacing junk food with locally produced organic farm products. Additionally, it seeks to transform schools into community learning centers, providing educational resources and fostering community engagement. By securing a stable market for the organic produce of local farmers, the project will generate sustainable income for these farmers. Furthermore, it will promote the use of electric cooking methods to reduce reliance on biomass and LPG, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Bamboo Educational and Research centre in Mozambique


This project involves the construction of a research centre on a established 3-hectare bamboo forest, in Ponta do Ouro, Mozambican southern village, in parallel with the expansion of 30 hectares bamboo cultivation. By planting and using bamboo in a sustainable way, we can create jobs, provide decent and affordable housing, feed and save thousands of lives while protecting the environment and reduce the risks from devastating floods.



Founded in 2021, CarbonoLocal is a start-up aimed at small farmers in Latin America who farm in an environmentally friendly way. To reward them for their small but significant contribution to climate protection, the CarbonoLocal team helps them join a grouped international carbon certification scheme and sell the CO2 certificates in Europe. In their pilot project in San Juan de Rio Seco in Colombia, the founders of CarbonoLocal Nataly and Laura Cubillos also promote the development of a local bioeconomy and the decentralised production of renewable energy.